Sunday, January 17

Sunday the 17thhhh

Woke up early with sis this morning.we both have piano lesson.She said she wanna start her lesson first because she'll be heading somewhere else later on.but its just so hard to move her ass out of the bed…soooo…I thought of a brilliant idea that would annoy her.Out of sudden,I shouted "XIN NIEN LAI LERRRRRRRRR~!!!!!"
LOL ACTUALLY works!well if you're not familiar with it,it's a song we listen to whenever the cny season arrives..LOL.we got up and kept laughing non-stop from the result of my randomness.hahah..cny moooood.

Learnt a new song today.Its called something Rapsody.I kinda like it.. anyway,I'm looking for some frens out there who are learning piano.wish to exchange some piano scores.Urging to play some new melodies.. and also urging to find some romantic wedding themed songs for sister soon as possible..i wish to start preparing myself for the day =)


Talked about Loo Sen's new job during lunch.haha.the name of the place is so cute.haha..Sis and I kept asking him most anticipated question was.."IS IT A HIGH CLASS PLACE??" and sis pushed my head when I asked that.Silly huhh.. haha.Goodie!Loo Sen will start working with Vil Minn and I can have some piece of mind.heavennnn.


Sport practice kick-starting this week.



I find a piece of joy whenever I found a solution to an add maths questions =)


1 comment:

  1. hey, i like the way you find happiness from your add maths solutions :) have fun girl!
