Sunday, April 8

Things changed

Hey bloggers,been rotting at home since I am currently jobless and schooless.
Everyone seems to be getting ready for college and so on while it reaaalllyyy
sucks for me to be hanging here.

But these little empty boring times I had gave me the chance to reflect and look back
on those happy little moments :)

And then something striked me,I miss them friends.I miss it.
You know what people say "oh you'll never get to spend time with your friends after school" and all?
Somehow these days I've been questioning the meaning of true friendships.

Pointless drama.
Yes,I'm currently in THAT state.Sometimes,I just need a shoulder to lean on and someone decent and nice enough to allow me to pour out everything even if it doesnt make sense.Seriously,it has been so hard these days.Not too sure whether everyone's too busy or something has gone wrong.Maybe I'm just naive.
Maybe everyone is off to a better start and I'm still stuck here waiting for my turn.
They give me empty promises.Its like one day you're oh-so-nice to me and the other I'm just
 dumped away or something.Life after high school probably?
I remembered how I would take the high road to make someone's birthday special and so but they never do the same for me.Yeah its true that I shouldnt ask for something in return but a little show of appreciation would reaalllyy satisfy me.

(Taken from Little Reasons To Smile)
You know what people say.Photographs captures the best memories we had.
esterday,I decided to develope some of my high school pictures to be kept and maybe hung up in my bedroom.Ahhhh those little times we had.Judging by our sincere smile and
laughters,it was true that we had such a blast together.I couldnt help but to wish that we can rewind those memories back,once again.

Something we all hope for,but it never happens.
Remember those times we used to have MSN and friendster?hahah good times :)
An old friend that we truly miss is someone who means alot to us.Well at least,they mean a lot to me.
Now that we're all grown up,things changed.Sometimes,people changes.They meet someone new and you're no longer 'the bestie'.It sucks to be 'the old stock' you know.
That is why something that I will NEVER EVER do,is to forget an old friend.
Cause I know how it feels..

Ahhh.those good little silly moments.
Things were easier back then,much more simple.

P.s. This is not a specific post for anyone.Just..something..general.

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