Friday, September 23

Half the battle

Sooo,the last post was basically 2 months ago?Wow I really had been abandoning my blog!
So here's a lil update,trials are now finally over.Which means...we're just one step away from the big thing!
Pretty excited yet pretty not-so-excited about it.
If you're asking how I did for my trials,all I can say is..Lets hope for the best!

A lil update
This pictures taken during the form 4 tradimode's Merdekaraya performanca in Jusco

Amanda drove me there.and that was the first time I tried out her driving.
and psst psst...dont tell anyone.her parking sucks! HAHAHA.

Graduation is in three weeks time.THREE WEEKS!
Still couldnt decide what to wear but I guess that's only a minor matter.It doesnt matter what you wear,its about enjoying the celebration that we're leaving our high school.I know...pretty harsh reality.Some may find it a big joy to finally leave,but to some..its like walking away from a life that plays a big role in shaping can say how much you hated high school.
The dramas.
The backstabbing and the backstabbers.
The endless pile of homeworks.
The study stress.
The examination fear.
Yes,we all been through that.

But I firmly believe,one day,one fine day..we will look back and say "I miss that so much".And the future ahead is not gonna be easy.It will NEVER be easy.One step at a time,I hope I'll find the way :)

Thats all for a short update!