Sunday, January 23

Melenie Hew Ly Yi

Shall blog this in a positive way! :)
We've been talking over this for years.Somehow in our hearts,we know that you're leaving,Mel.Got myself mentally prepared since standard 6 and now finally,its reality.

Video made by Addy!

Thank you Melenie,for always being there for me.For being such a great company.
During the primary days,we were usually seen EVERYWHERE together.LOL.that explains why people often mistaken us for each other.hahaha.And that was when we were known as twins to one another :)

Since then,we were like unseperable.Can't been seen anywhere without one another.Heh heh.Mel oh mel,to be honest,she's just so soo LAZY.omg.She always need her mama Jean to lecture her or something.And she always need someone to do her art or something.Mel oh mel,tsk tsk tsk.Besides,she has no patience.No patience,I repeat.I wonder how will she live without someone like me to lecture her all the time.hahaha.

So far,we've only fought once.during standard 6.then it was all good.
Years together we've survived.Through Yellow House,through 8th Coy,through being deskmates for 2 years,through being twins,through music and Tradimode.

BEGUM : Mel,don't let anyone to bully you over there.Just let us know and we'll..we'll..
BEGUM : YES!we'll tong tong chang them!

We'll keep making good music while waiting for you! =D

Its not easy but we'll wait for you to come back! =')

Dear Mel,I love you.Stop being such a lazy pig =P

Had enough with words of goodbyes and the typical farewell moments.
I'm finally moving on.First day was,bad,Cried myself when I'm all alone and ended up in school with bengkak eyes.LOL.Silly me.Still trying my best to fill in the emptiness.

Life goes on =)

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