Wednesday, December 1

December 2010

Hey bloggers,December joy is striking me and so many friends right now!
When the clock striked 12,everyone were probably overjoyed and the social networks were full of tweets and statuses about December.If you're asking why December excites me..I couldn't give an exact.Its cause..its just simply DECEMBER
Yeap!So agree =)
Its finally the last month of year 2010.

This is the month for christmas!
 Not any other events get me jumping.I love christmas!
 I just wish it'll be snowing here in Malaysia.That.will be blissful =)

Month for our tradimode big step.Month of more christmas parties to attend =D Month of giving in and giving out.Month of one full month of holidays.Month of the start of everything.Definately the last month for me to complete my 2010 resolutions =)
Month of everything!

Leaving the excitement aside..
Do You know?
Yeap.its World Aids Day just so you know.
Heads up for all the twitter celebrities for their contributions.Well,Alicia Keys came out with a brilliant idea to raise funds for well..AIDS patients by pullin in celebs.Kim Kardashian was "dead" on the social network.So is Ryan Seacrest and I believer many more.Great job people!I couldn't help much but deep within,I will pray for all AIDS patients around the world =)

Hand in hand..we should all support the cause.
A little effort goes a looonggg wayyy =D

*Taataa.Rangers meeting in Jusco tomorrow =) *

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