Thursday, May 21


Congrats Kriss's fans..he won!The 8th American Idol!
And I'm sincerely sorry for Suet Yee and Charmaine..haha..too bad!Adam lost.xD.
Today took Science and Pd.I don't und why must they put to crazy heavy subjects on the same day..omg..and including f1 and 2s syllabus.Guess what?Slept at 12 and woke up at 3 last night..just to study.Too tired this morning.Slept after I finished Pd test.Haha.this is like the 1st time I sleep during exam..well Melenie noes that well.because I will be the last person who will sleep during exam time.But this time I can't help it..I'm really really REALLY sleepy and tired.Today's papers were just fine..but I'm having trouble in Science paper 1.
-Tomorrow Sivik,Moral and PJK.gotta study!byee!-

1 comment:

  1. yay.adam lost.charrmaine cheche was so sad i talked bad about adam.but she accepted my apologies:D
