Tuesday, May 12

Like a river meets the sea

Raining now.Aiks.Cannot go joging with Kai Wen.We planned to go jogging at around 4+ but look at the weather now.Hahax.Next time we keep quiet.Maybe we shouldn't plan just yet.When it started raining I texted Kai Wen "Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.." guess what she replied? "Telling me what a fool I've been.." LOL.It's actually a song..I think it suits this situation.Oh,remember this, Kai Wen?
"Wahai anak mudaku,nampaknya kita tiada takdir untuk bersenam.Biarlah Tuhan menentukan takdir.Kita hanya perlu menurutinya.."haha.And she calls me a Malaypek for that text!

Stayed back to find the pineapple lady today to complete kertas kerja for upcoming camp.See,this is what you get when you're a secretary.Oh and Melenie?Pineapple lady didn't give me any pineapples,so i can't make pineapple chicken for you,can't make pineapple tart for Charmaine and pineapple fish for Laine.and oh oh!Don't forget Ker Chyi's pineapple pie.Just so you girls know,we can't camp in tents anymore.Pineapple lady scared worhh..she calls it a waste of time while we are all gaining camp experience.Nyways,7th Coy is joining us.Menu is done.Hope I won't poison anyone during camp.Did I mention?I'm the cook..with Suet Yee ofcoz.And phew!..cooking for like 70+ ppl?*faints

the ride back home today was weird.it's becoz today's the first time I come back home with Loo Sen.Usually,we have diff time after school.So we didn't really spend "QUALITY" car ride home from school.lol.Came back home and found cousin,Chee Hong updating comp.Asked him what is he doing..he said he's reformatting.AHHH.First thing that ran across my mind was my song...
"Where's my songs??!Is it gone?!Did you save it?!"

Maybe I was being too nervous cause over 400++ songs are in the comp and if I loose all of them,my iPod will loose all the songs too.Haha.Allelua!Thank god he did not reformat the drive where I store all my songs.phew!That was crazy.Still lost Windows Live+ Plus,Cakewalk(music composing),Van Boscoe Karaoke Player (music amali..singing test = Important!),Frostwire (song downloads) and most importantly my iTunes!No iTunes,iPod can't update.Thank god iTunes CD comes along with the iPod..haha..nvm..I shall patiently install them back..=))

-when everyone's in their bed sucking their thumbs and hugging their teddy bears,there's one person sitting in front of a table with the table lamp,books in front and earplugs in the ears.Guess who?-

Then-Brad Paisley
Like a river meets the sea,
stronger than it's ever been,
We've come so far since that day,
And I thought I loved you then....

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