Saturday, November 7

Ghost Convention

Last meeting and activity of the year.. organized by the form 2 future leaders.So we form threes are considered kinda retired.awww..wad a year huh?haha.

Went before 8..met Suet Yee before going in.Registered for the BSMM Enrolment thingy.. Amanda,Suet Yee and I represented 8th coy to attend BSMM grand enrolment.It was pretty grand with the presence of Dato Ismail and some officers and also representatives of Red Cresent from various schools.
Went to meeting place before attending the ceremony.. Juniors were busy preparing the ghost houses in the classes.Suet Yee and I left the place before their row call.aww..we missed their row call.Went into the hall for BSMM ceremony… We were SO SO AWKWARD for being the only GREENIES there.LOL.. when we enter.. everyone was in WHITE (their uniforms) only..Amanda,Suet Yee and I were the only GREEN PEOPLE there.LOL.

The honoured guests were celebrated by the Sam Tet Lion Dance group. We sat there listening to speeches..listening to the BSMM singing their song which clearly puts in another awkward position coz we're the only ones not singing there.hahaha.Soon..the Rangers representatives and 7th Coy came.NOT THE ONLY GREENIES ANYMORE..

Youth One 2009 Enrolment

Sneaked out right after the Indian Dance performance.Ghost convention is about to start.. We allowed the older madams to enter the ghost houses before us. Respect mahh.Mel went into the houses with Ker,Zat and Maine. I went in the first patrol's room which is 13 Ghost with Suet Yee,Amanda Pan and Yen Fong.


hmm..this place wasn't really that scary.Okay lar..they made a maze.I was walking and Yen Fong kept grabbing my shoulders from behind.She was so scared.hahaha.One of the members of this patrol popped a balloon behind Yen Fong and she screamed so loudly in my eardrums vibrated so fast.LOL.

They used piano playing as their sound effect.. maybe it's a bit spooky to have piano playing in a dark room.haha.that's why they won BEST SOUND EFFECT.

The joker

*Unknown patrol..can anyone tell me the patrol name??

This is the second room Suet Yee and I went is not scary at all.instead the room is very hot.

A girl hid under a table and suddenly grabbed Suet Yee's leg..instead of getting scared..Suet Yee slumberly looked under the table and BOO! The girl.LMAO..the girl got scared.HAHAHAH..that was really funny.

*sorry no pics for here*


We got feedbacks from those madams who went into this patrol's room.They say its not bad and quite scary..haha.Save the best for last!!Went into here with Suet Yee,Amanda Pan,Charmaine and Daphne.haha.

Not bad..not bad..they made a long dark maze here.we were supposed to crawl to find our way out.. The so so fearless Suet Yee got that's creepy.She kept screaming and screaming here.She got frightened by a girl wearing a white dress and bloody hands.hahah.. there were red inks everywhere.haha.

I like this place..spooooky! =)

Oh..and did I mention?The mask a girl wore was creepy.heh.Abe Lim..hahah.

Chan Huey Shen

The creeps

FUNTIME =)Suet Yee and her fren...MR.MASK =)

Me,___ and Mel.

Amanda , ____ and me!guess who's ____ ?

So cute Zatil

Camwhore xD

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